Friday, December 28, 2007


Yes, its been a while since I’ve blogged…almost 7 months. I’m back now(hopefully), Its been a bag of emotions the past few months and I’ve definitely seen better days but that’s life as they say.

I’m moving to India, Amchi Mumbai to be more precise. Its supposed to be a new beginning, a new life yada yada yada, but I cant bring myself to “let go.” Its like being thrown into an unknown world of things, places and people I don’t want to make an attempt or an effort to get to know, I don’t want to be thrown out of my shell here in Dubai, I cant imagine life without my friends who over the years have become closer than family, It’s sort of like losing my identity… But then again I should be making an effort, shouldn’t I? A question I ask myself every single freakin day. My mother says it will be a “good change,” Something I don’t believe rather something I don’t want to believe in. Even then I should be making an effort, shouldn’t I? It’s the only way to be happier in a new place as most of my family members tell me, but do I want to be happy? Will I be able to be happy without my comfort zone?

I decided to make an effort; I went to Bombay for five days and four nights. My new school was the complete opposite of Modern, something I don’t know if I should be proud of or not. =S. I got bitten by a gazillion mosquitoes, got my heart broken and flew back to Dubai.

I don’t know what I want, I don’t want to move from here and that is something I can’t have. Will I be able to live through it? My friends say I will but I don’t know if I can. A sea of uncertainties is what my mind is swimming in right now, and I can’t bring myself to do anything about it! I used my blog to vent out my feelings, unfortunately I lack good vocabulary to make my post more “interesting” but then again I just needed to let it out.