Monday, September 15, 2008


Who i used to be. I could feel, I could cry, I could feel joy, I could laugh carelessly. I had my friends with me. Late night phone calls. Frantic last minute exam preparations. Sleep-overs with cold left over pizza's and movie marathons. Freedom to be me.

Restricted, hurt, unable to emote. Forced smiles, they all say it will get better with time. Ha. I think not. Lonely nights, bittersweet memories. Thats all I got left for now. The person I've become.

Who am I? What has become of me?


Anonymous said...

You;re back !

Shalaka said...

Raay !

I miss you.

I loved the post, and i love YOU !

Advita said...

awww rayna, we're all still right here... and we'll always be!
we LOVE YOUUU!!!!!

cheer up =D

miss ya loadss

Advita said...
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Anonymous said...

I miss you. And the math flunking and the movie watching and the pissing me off. =P!

Anonymous said...

Don't wait for it to get better, because it's not going to happen anytime soon..
Don't hold your breath, because it's going to feel like forever..
And when it finally does get better, it's not even worth the trouble..
My advice: Pick yourself up NOW, and create new memories instead of living in the old ones..

crazy woman with! said...

i think ur awesome!!!!!
and u have u, me and antz...and we do have some new memories , sikkim...and MOMO's...and never forget. no matter where u are, what ur doing..there will always always be cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!